Greece is the Fabulous Word! [12th - 24th Sept 2024]

Day 1 - Bristol to Mykonos

"Rise and shine!" my alarm chirped at the ungodly hour of 3.30am. Eyes bleary and limbs protesting, we stumbled out of bed, fueled by the promise of Mykonos' sun-kissed shores. We were off on our travels again. It seems like ages!! A quick shower and a coffee and a tea later, we bundled our prepacked luggage (nicely organised as always!) and  headed off through the pre-dawn streets to Bristol airport.

Our 6am flight was mercifully on time, but the journey to Mykonos was far from straightforward. No direct flights meant a very quick change in Naples, switching airlines, and wrestling with carry-on luggage and having to retrieve and recheck-in the hold luggage. No time to hang about! Despite the fatigue, everything went smoothly. Until the second flight.

Naples to Mykonos turned out to be the noisiest flight of our lives. Picture this: a plane packed with excited holidaymakers including a very excitable bridal party, the decibel level rising with each passing minute. Conversations, laughter, and the occasional sing-along filled the cabin. The flight attendants, bless their souls, had to restart the safety briefing not once, but twice, just to get everyone to pipe down!

Finally, we touched down in Mykonos, greeted by the warm Mediterranean air and the promise of relaxation. The sun radiated its heat as soon as we stepped onto the tarmac and instantly we relaxed. Our home for the next few days is the luxurious Akkadian Boutique Hotel, a haven specifically designed for gay men seeking a tranquil and indulgent escape. Definitely our kind of place!

First impressions? Stunning. The hotel is a masterpiece of minimalist design, with whitewashed walls, sleek furnishings, and breathtaking views of the Aegean Sea in the distance. We can't wait to explore everything this five-star oasis has to offer.

After settling in we headed straight to the pool.  All that travelling meant we needed to relax and refresh. The water was so inviting and refreshing and the sun's rays were giving us a great big welcome hug as we rested on the sunloungers. 

Of course, there is only so much relaxing you can do before you get itchy feet (or at least there is for us!) and so, after a quick change of clothes, we soon found ourselves in a taxi heading into town.

Mykonos Old Town sits beside the sea and the whitewashed stone buildings nestled together either side of the narrow streets with the white grouting between the paving stones creating a magical crazy paving effect. The street lamps were all bright white LEDs which accentuated all this white and blue. We did feel like we were on the set of Mamma Mia. 
The aroma of delicious food wafted from the seafront tavernas and the lively chatter created an inviting ambiance. So it wasn't long before we found ourselves sat in a charming restaurant, wrestling with which delicious dishes to select. In the end we opted for a starter or homemade pitta bread with amazing spreads and some meatballs. For mains, I opted for a classic Moussaka, while James had the most fragrant chicken skewers. 
After dinner, we headed around the corner to Little Venice and a couple of gay bars - Jackie O's Town Bar and Comos (which was Babylon for those that knew it). We met a lovely American couple Shane and Zack who had been travelling around Italy (places that we had also visited so that gave us a good starting point for conversation) and now they were exploring Greece. 

After being awake for over 20 hours I needed my bed! So we headed back to the hotel to the lovely, welcoming bed. My head hit the pillow and I was out like a light. It was the perfect ending to our first day in Mykonos.

Day 2 - Mykonos 

Ah, the sweet bliss of a lie-in after a night of revelry on the Mykonos strip! You know those mornings when the sun gently nudges you awake instead of an alarm clock? That's the kind of morning we had today. 

First things first, a hearty Greek breakfast. Imagine a table laden with savory meats, fluffy eggs, and of course, that thick, creamy Greek yogurt that's just a dream.  I tried (keyword: *tried*) to stay away from the pastries, but let's just say Mykonos isn't making it easy on my waistline!
With bellies full, we headed to the pool. Picture this: warm sunshine, the sound of water lapping the pool's edge as a hunk swims by and the distant beats from the pool bar setting the mood. We spent the morning alternating between dips in the pool, reading on our Kindles, and just soaking up the Mykonos atmosphere. It's the kind of relaxation that makes you forget all your worries. 

Next up: a taxi ride to the legendary Super Paradise Beach and the iconic Jackie O's Beach Club.  The taxi ride itself was an adventure. It was our first real glimpse of Mykonos in daylight. Whitewashed buildings against a brilliant blue sky were like cubist sheep grazing. Arid plants punctuated the rocky landscape, and the roads seemed to wind and twist with no rhyme or reason. We even had a few close calls on those narrow roads - frequently having to stop, reverse and breathe in tight to allow other vehicles to pass. But hey, it's all part of the Mykonos experience, right?

Arriving at Jackie O's felt like stepping into a postcard. We grabbed a spot by the pool, taking in the stunning views of the bay and, let's be honest, the equally stunning clientele. We even bumped into Shane and Zack from the night before – small world!

After a quick dip in the sea, we indulged in a delicious lunch overlooking the sparkling blue water. The afternoon slipped away as we sipped cocktails and watched the bar fill up.  We were hoping for the advertised drag show, but as often happens in such venues, it didn't quite materialise at the time advertised. So, we did a bit of exploring at the neighboring bar before calling it a night and heading back to our hotel. 
We opted for a duvet picnic evening with a movie rather than head out again. Nice to have time together by ourselves and snuggle in our lovely room. I do feel it's important to spend some quality time in your hotel room since you've paid quite a bit to be there!

Day 3 - Mykonos

Another glorious morning in Mykonos began with a culinary adventure - the hotel's buffet breakfast.  It's like a choose-your-own-adventure novel, but with food. I'm particularly smitten with the Greek yogurt here; it's so thick you could practically build a Parthenon with it. 

We spent the morning poolside, alternating between Kindle pages and dips in the water, the occasional cocktail in hand. The hotel has cleverly designed little shady nooks around the pool, perfect for escaping the Mediterranean sun's intense gaze. 

A quick gym session followed. The hotel's fitness center may be compact, but it's surprisingly well-equipped. We managed to replicate our usual workouts, all while enjoying a breathtaking view. Sweating never felt so scenic!

In the afternoon, we ventured into town, navigating the narrow, pavement-less roads. It's a bit of a heart-pounding experience, as Mykonian drivers seem to have a rather laissez-faire attitude towards traffic rules.

Safely in town, we meandered through the charming whitewashed streets of the Old Town. Even with the crowds, there's an undeniable air of tranquility. The shops, squeezed into buildings that seem to have melded together over centuries, offer a delightful mix of souvenirs, designer goods, and luxurious jewelry.
James couldn't resist the Mediterranean allure and snagged a gorgeous leather jacket and a matching vest and swimwear combo. He looked like a Greek god who'd just stepped off Mount Olympus. Okay, I am biased!

Lunch was a simple but satisfying affair of roast chicken and salad. The flavors were fresh, the meat succulent, and we were feeling pretty proud of ourselves for sticking to our diet... mostly. However, with Saturday night plans looming, we knew our willpower might be tested.

We made a pilgrimage to the iconic Mykonos windmills, standing proudly on a ridge overlooking the sea. These 16th-century beauties, with their whitewashed walls and thatched roofs, once harnessed the Aegean winds to grind grain, a testament to the island's agricultural past.

On our way back to the hotel, we succumbed to temptation and indulged in a couple of scoops of gelato. It was a hot day, we'd walked miles, and, well, sometimes you just need a little dolce vita. 
After a few hours of rest and rejuvenation at the hotel, we ventured back out to experience Mykonos' legendary Saturday night scene.

We stumbled upon a delightful gay cocktail lounge called Lola's. It was perfect - not too loud, comfortable seating, and friendly staff. We snagged the last two seats at the bar, next to a fellow Brit named Dale from just outside Cardiff. We bonded over our matching vests, and the cocktails flowed freely, served by a team of very easy-on-the-eyes bartenders. The prices were surprisingly reasonable, too.

A few hours and a new friend later, we decided to revisit the waterfront bars we'd enjoyed on Thursday. Unfortunately, en route, I had a brief encounter with the Aegean Sea, courtesy of a medication-alcohol mismatch. Let's just say it wasn't my most glamorous moment.

The rest of the night was a blur of chats with other guys, stunning sea views, and the occasional refreshing spray of seawater courtesy of the crashing waves.

A late-night (or early morning) dinner at the same restaurant where we'd had lunch rounded off our evening. This time, we weren't quite as diet-conscious, but hey, we were on vacation! Their spin on garlic bread was to die for! A brioche style loaf stuffed with garlic butter, with a creamy cheese and parsley sauce poured over the top. A gloriously delicious mess of carbs and dairy! I said the diet went out the window!

We stumbled into our hotel bed around 5 am, both agreeing that we're getting a bit too old for this. But as we drifted off to sleep, we couldn't help but smile, knowing we'd had another incredible day together on this magical island. Mykonos, you've stolen our hearts (and maybe a bit of our sanity). 

Day 4 - Mykonos

Today was a true holiday treat – a poolside extravaganza. We settled into a prime spot, surrounded by lush greenery, like two birds claiming the perfect nest for a day of sun-soaked relaxation. Kindles, phones, sunglasses, and the occasional refreshing drink completed our setup.

The morning buzzed with life as guests came and went, and it was heartwarming to see the hotel filling up. At one point, James vanished, leaving me to devour the last few chapters of my book (a guilty pleasure, I must admit). When he reappeared, a mischievous glint in his eyes, he beckoned me to follow him on a mysterious adventure.

We weaved through the hotel pathways until we reached one of those dreamy private mini-villas – the ones we had admired from afar, wondering what secrets they held. James, sporting a sly grin, produced a key, and we stepped into a sun-drenched courtyard with its own inviting mini pool. It was like stumbling upon a hidden oasis!

The villa itself was an upgrade from our already lovely room, with extra basins, a charming side patio, and a bed that seemed to promise the most restful sleep imaginable. James then dropped the bombshell: he had managed to sweet-talk the hotel manager into giving us a free upgrade! A squeal of delight escaped my lips, followed by a swift relocation of our suitcases into our new luxurious abode.

The rest of the day unfolded in a blissful blur, alternating between the main pool and our private oasis. I'm pretty sure a few envious glances were cast our way, but who could blame them? We were living the dream!

As evening approached, we opted for another cozy duvet picnic and movie night. A lighthearted rom-com on Prime set the perfect mood, while snacks from the corner shop added a touch of indulgence. 

Did you know that the first rom-com is often credited to the 1934 film "It Happened One Night"? It set the stage for countless movies celebrating love, laughter, and happy endings. Yes, I went down a Google Rabbit hole to bring you an interesting fact and to pad out today's post!

It was a day filled with sunshine, unexpected surprises, and a generous dose of movie magic – the perfect recipe for a memorable vacation day. 

Day 5 - Mykonos

Waking up in our upgraded villa, we couldn't resist indulging in a leisurely morning dip in our private pool. A perfect start to the day, soaking up the sun on our secluded patio. 

We loved this banner ad for ES Swimwear - does Spencer cut it as a swimwear model? hehe
After a delightful buffet breakfast (who can say no to endless pastries?), we headed to the main pool for a short siesta, letting all that delicious food settle. Then it was time to hit the gym, focusing on chest and shoulders – gotta keep those beach muscles toned!

Today's highlight? Elia Beach – a secluded paradise on the southern tip of the island, known for its relaxed atmosphere and breathtaking natural beauty. With its golden sands and crystal-clear waters, it's the kind of place where you can truly let go and embrace the freedom of a 'clothing-optional' experience. 

Rows of sun loungers beckoned us to unwind and soak up the scenery. We struck up a conversation with two lovely Americans who were spending their last day on the island here. They had explored some of the other islands and wanted a peaceful final day before heading home.

The afternoon was pure bliss, sipping cool drinks, taking refreshing dips in the sea, and perfecting our tans. We even bumped into our friend Dale, who was also enjoying some beach time.

On the way back, we shared a taxi with our new American friends and couldn't resist showing off our upgraded villa. Their jaws dropped when they saw the private pool and luxurious amenities.

To express our gratitude to Adonis, the hotel manager (yes, you read that right!), we invited him and our American friends to join us for dinner at a local restaurant. It was a feast of traditional Greek dishes, each one beautifully cooked and presented.

Back at the hotel, we capped off the night with some late-night drinks, ensuring our new friends had wonderful memories to take home from their last night on the island. It was the perfect ending to a day filled with sunshine, laughter, and new connections.

Day 6 - Mykonos

Ah, the rhythm of vacation mornings... It's a familiar dance of leisurely breakfasts, refreshing showers, and sun-soaked hours by the pool. Today was no exception, even if we were both moving a bit slower than usual after last night's late-night shenanigans. Let's just say our inner party animals might need a nap.

So, with a collective sigh of contentment, we settled into our poolside loungers, Kindles in hand, ready to embrace the glorious art of doing absolutely nothing. The sun was warm, the water sparkled invitingly, and the occasional page-turning rustle was the only sound to disturb the peaceful atmosphere. 

Just as we were reaching peak relaxation mode, our friend Dale appeared, ready for a poolside lunch date. Club sandwich for him, a juicy burger for James, and for me... well, let's just say I perfected the art of the strategic chip-steal. Sharing is caring apparently (others call it a Boyfriend Tax!). We also enjoyed a splash in our private pool - well, since we have been upgraded, we have to take advantage of the facilities! And I know what you're thinking - no we didn't!!

But the real highlight of the day was yet to come. In the evening, we swapped our swim trunks for something a bit more dapper and headed to a charming pescatarian restaurant. The occasion? A reunion with two of my London friends, Richard and Tate, who just happened to be passing through town. Talk about serendipity!

We wandered through the old town at sunset and took the opportunity to grab a few photos of the famous windmills. 

It had been ages since I'd seen Richard and Tate (about four years or so), and with a trip to their place already booked for November, this was the perfect chance for them to finally meet James. The conversation flowed over a lovely meal in a beautiful setting. James and I had both said before this trip that we needed to try to eat more fish and this gave us a perfect opportunity. James opted for a beautifully crumb-coated cod fillet, while I tried the sea-bass. Both were delicious. 

Dinner done, we decided to keep the good times rolling and made our way to Lola's cocktail bar. Yes, *that* Lola's – the one that's quickly become our go-to spot for a night of fun. As if on cue, Dale reappeared, this time with two more of his Welsh friends, Rob and his husband Dan. They proved to be a great addition to our group and we had several great conversations about everything from middle-age problems to what we would change the world for the better. 

The cocktails were flowing, the laughter was contagious, and before I knew it, the clock was inching towards the wee hours of the morning. And so with a slightly fuzzy head, we finally had to call it a night. Back to the hotel for some much-needed beauty sleep before another day of holiday adventures.

Day 7 - Mykonos

A quiet day today, mainly by the pool beneath the sun, its rays playfully dancing through the lush canopy of palm trees that graced our poolside haven. Hours melted away in a blissful haze of reading, napping, the odd drink and the occasional refreshing dip in the crystal-clear water. Pure, unadulterated relaxation mode activated. 

As dusk painted the sky in vibrant hues, we ventured across the hillside to Rob and Dan's hotel, perched majestically on the opposite ridge. Their room, complete with its own private pool, offered a breathtaking panorama of the bay. We settled in, drinks in hand, mesmerised by the spectacle of the setting sun casting a golden glow over the water, the lights on the distant cruise ships twinkling like a constellation of stars.

And then, as if on cue, a burst of vibrant colours exploded in the night sky. Fireworks! A spontaneous display of celebration, echoing from the heart of the town. Apparently, a local football team had clinched a victory, and the whole island was basking in the afterglow. 

With our spirits lifted, we meandered into town in search of sustenance. A charming waterfront taverna beckoned, offering a front-row seat to the iconic windmills, their majestic silhouettes illuminated against the inky blackness of the water, now a mirror reflecting the infinite expanse of stars above.

The night wouldn't be complete without a final stop at Lola's. Cocktails flowed, conversations sparkled, and once again, we found ourselves making new connections. This time, a delightful couple from Nottingham joined our ever-growing circle of Welsh friends. 

Another unforgettable evening, filled with laughter, friendship, and a touch of unexpected magic. As the night drew to a close, we carried the warmth of these moments back to our hotel, tucked away in our hearts until the next adventure unfolds. 

Day 8 - Mykonos to Santorini

Today, we bid a fond farewell to our charming hotel on Mykonos and embarked on a scenic sea voyage to the legendary island of Santorini. 

The adventure began at the bustling port, where we boarded a colossal catamaran-style ferry. Now, I hadn't given much thought to ferries, assuming they were all more or less the same. However, in this part of the world, where islands are scattered like jewels across the Aegean, ferries are the lifeblood connecting communities. And this particular ferry was unlike any I'd seen before! It was a behemoth, yet it manoeuvred with the agility of a speedboat, leaving me awestruck.

Boarding was a bit of a whirlwind. We were instructed to leave our luggage in a massive pile on the car deck before being herded to the main cabin where assigned seats awaited. The scene was a tad chaotic, to put it mildly. Compared to the organised ferries we'd experienced in Thailand, this felt like a lively dance of controlled chaos!

Nevertheless, the crossing itself was smooth and scenic. We made several stops at picturesque islands, each offering a glimpse into the unique charm of the Cyclades. As you might expect, disembarking was just as energetic as boarding. Thankfully, our bags were still faithfully waiting in the luggage mountain. 

Once ashore, we were greeted by a symphony of sounds – coaches revving their engines, eager to whisk away package holidaymakers, and taxi drivers waving name cards amidst the throng of passengers. We opted to have a leisurely lunch and let the initial frenzy subside. A delicious beef schnitzel, a welcome change from the usual chicken, hit the spot perfectly. 

Our taxi ride across Santorini unveiled a starkly beautiful landscape. The parched earth, dotted with clusters of whitewashed buildings – homes, farm structures, and the occasional village with shops – painted a picture of resilience and quiet charm.

Finally, we arrived in the captivating town of Oia, our home for the next few days. The narrow, winding streets were too tight for cars, so we embarked on the final leg of our journey on foot. The path was framed by a kaleidoscope of colourful buildings – shops overflowing with treasures, inviting restaurants, charming hotels, and traditional houses. Our driver, a true hero, expertly navigated the crowds with our hefty suitcase balanced on his shoulders.

As we ventured deeper into the town, we stumbled upon a long queue of eager tourists. They were lined up to capture that iconic Instagram shot of the blue domes of Santorini. Our hotel, it turned out, was located right next to this picturesque spot!

The hotel itself was sheer bliss. The staff welcomed us with refreshing drinks and cool towels, instantly melting away the travel fatigue. While our room was being prepared, we relaxed at the bar, sipping cocktails and gazing out at the breathtaking caldera. The panoramic view of Oia, with its colourful buildings clinging to the cliffs and the imaginative architecture of terraced pools and sun decks, was simply mesmerising.

Our room was a haven of tranquillity. Cool, white interiors, a plush bed, a spacious lounge area, the most luxurious shower we'd ever encountered, a cosy second bedroom, and the pièce de résistance – our very own private pool on the sun terrace overlooking the magnificent volcanic caldera and its sapphire waters dotted with luxurious yachts.

We spent the rest of the afternoon basking in the serenity of the hotel, recharging our batteries for the evening ahead. As the sun began its descent, we ventured out to explore the town and discovered a charming restaurant with a sunset terrace. It seemed most restaurants in Oia boasted such terraces, and who could blame them with a view like that? We savoured another delectable meal as the sky transformed into a canvas of fiery hues.

Day 9 - Santorini

You'd think that after all the incredible places we've explored together, the magic would start to fade. But waking up in our Santorini haven, with a view that stretched across the caldera and out to the endless Aegean Sea, took my breath away all over again.

The morning light painted the whitewashed buildings in a soft glow, reflecting off the impossibly blue water below. It was a scene straight from a postcard, no filter needed.

We'd pre-ordered breakfast, not knowing what to expect. It turned into a delightful surprise - a parade of pastries, egg dishes, yogurt parfaits, mini pies, and fresh fruit. Each plate was a work of art, and the flavours were divine. It was, hands down, one of the best hotel breakfasts we've ever had - maybe even better than that memorable breakfast buffet at Animal Kingdom Lodge with its amazing French Toast Bread Pudding! The view was definitely more impressive (sorry giraffes!). 

While we ate, we watched several women in red, blue and yellow flowing dresses emerge from between the whitewashed walls to have their photographs taken. The "Flying Dress" experience has become one of those must do Instagram driven experiences. I do have to say, that I am sure the photos looked amazing and the ladies will treasure the images for years to come. 

Feeling refreshed, we ventured into town. We passed the now-famous blue domes, where a line of eager Instagrammers waited for their perfect shot. We smiled, knowing we had that view anytime we wanted.

We wandered down narrow streets lined with shops and cafes, soaking in the vibrant atmosphere. The sound of children playing in a schoolyard caught me by surprise. Their laughter echoed through the town, a reminder of everyday life amidst the tourist bustle. We reached a quaint church at the edge of town, marking the end of our exploration.

The afternoon beckoned us back to the hotel's rooftop terrace, where we basked in the sun, sipped cocktails, and took a few playful dips in the pool.

That evening, we were joined by our friends Dan and Rob, who had also made the move to Santorini. James had hinted at a photo opportunity with the sunset, but I had no idea what he was truly planning.

We enjoyed cocktails at the bar, then showed our friends our room and the hotel. We made our way to the terrace restaurant, where a romantic table awaited us under a decorated canopy.

As we posed for photos, James grew more affectionate. He began to speak, his words filled with love and a promise of forever. Then, he knelt down and presented me with the most stunning ring.

"Will you marry me?" he asked. 

I was shocked, elated, dazed and overwhelmed with love all at once.  

Tears welled up in my eyes as I said, "Yes!"

The whole moment was captured on video, a precious memory we'll cherish forever.

We sat down to dinner, still buzzing with excitement. The hotel staff, who must witness proposals often, were genuinely thrilled for us. They brought out celebratory champagne and we toasted to our future.

The meal was extraordinary, a symphony of flavours that danced on our palates. It was the perfect ending to a perfect day, one that will forever hold a special place in my heart.

The moon rising over Santorini

Day 10 - Santorini to Athens

Unsurprisingly, after the whirlwind of emotions and romance the night before, sleep came easily. We awoke to another glorious Santorini morning, savouring a final, leisurely breakfast amidst warm congratulations from the hotel staff. It felt like the whole island was in on our secret!

All too soon, it was time to bid farewell to our Santorini sanctuary and embark on the final leg of our journey: Athens. Thankfully, we had wisely switched our ferry to a later departure, giving us a chance to bask in the afterglow of our engagement without rushing.

We packed, exchanged hugs with the wonderful hotel staff (some of the warmest we've ever met), and navigated the bustling streets to our waiting taxi. The porter expertly manoeuvred our suitcase through the crowds, a feat I'm certain I would have failed at, leaving a trail of bumped heads in my wake.

As we drove across the island, we took a final moment to appreciate the stark beauty of the landscape. The volcanic terrain contrasted dramatically with the endless azure of the sea, a sight that never ceased to amaze.

At the ferry port, we collected our tickets and braced ourselves for the organised chaos of boarding. Again the way these ships move through the water is amazing - they appear to just glide into position with such grace and ease. This time, we were seasoned pros, navigating the throngs of people and luggage piles with ease. Our suitcase was strategically placed for a quick getaway.

Unlike the grand ferries we're used to in the UK, these vessels were more like water buses, connecting the islands. We made several stops along the way, picking up and dropping off passengers at picturesque ports. Athens, on the mainland, was our final destination. After a scenic five-hour journey, we arrived.

The usual taxi scramble ensued, and we soon found ourselves in a yellow cab, zipping through the city towards our hotel. Our first impressions of Athens were...mixed. Concrete buildings dominated the skyline, a far cry from the ancient Greek grandeur we'd imagined. The traffic was a chaotic ballet of near-misses and rule-bending, adding to the sense of disorientation.

Finally, we arrived at our hotel, eager to refresh after our journey. Stepping into the lobby was like entering another world. Opulent and decadent, it was a feast for the eyes. Mirrors, gold accents, sculptures, and towering columns created an atmosphere of sheer extravagance. Our room echoed this lavishness, and while the view from the window was less than inspiring, the rooftop restaurant promised something special.

As the sun began to set, we made our way to the rooftop. The panoramic view was breathtaking. There, in all its glory, was the Acropolis, crowned by the majestic Parthenon. It was a sight that transcended time, connecting us to the heart of ancient Greece.

We were too late to snag a table at the hotel restaurant, but the streets below were teeming with inviting eateries. We settled into a charming spot, dining al fresco in the shadow of the Acropolis. The world buzzed around us as we savoured delicious food and each other's company. Athens was slowly weaving its spell. 


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